After reading a few reviews and recommendations, I started using Personal Capital a while back and immediately realized what a great product it is. If you are not doing so already, I highly recommend that you start tracking your expenses right away. And Personal Capital is a great tool for this purpose. While there are other […]
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Summer Job Ideas For Teens
Vicki at Make Smarter Decisions recently wrote about activities from her teenage years that benefited her later in life. This got me thinking about a summer job for my own children. Although I had teenagers in mind when I created this list, in fact, anyone with free time can start side businesses in these areas. […]
Regrets Can Become Opportunities
I have many regrets. Some are a bigger deal than others. I’m sure everyone can look back over their life and see things a little differently now than they did at the time. That’s the beauty of hindsight. But if you knew how things would turn out before even attempting them, wouldn’t life be pretty […]
Suffering From Perfectionism or Procrastination?
We are all guilty of procrastination at one time or another. The behavior of repeatedly putting off doing something now and instead planning to do it in the future. There are plenty of reasons to justify why we procrastinate – fear of failure, instant gratification, perfectionism – but whatever the reason, the result is the […]
Save Thousands More by Changing Your Focus
Like a good Financial Slacker, you are diligently tracking your expenses with Personal Capital. But even so, you don’t seem to be saving much money. Maybe that’s because you are focused on the wrong things. Save thousands more by focusing on the right things. While it’s easy to see savings opportunities in all those small […]
Frugal or Cheap?
Are you frugal or cheap? Being frugal is a way of life. It is a choice for those of us who focus on conspicuous consumption rather than indiscriminate spending. But while the goal of both frugal behavior and cheap behavior is to save money, the difference stops there. While the frugal favor value, the cheap are solely […]