Along the lines of my crowdsourced thinking article posted yesterday, I would like to start a little test here at Financial Slacker.
The question is whether the Financial Slacker community as a group can use crowdsourced thinking to create a fund that will outperform the S&P 500.
I’ll set up two accounts with equal funds. Amount to be determined. In the first, I’ll buy an S&P index fund or ETF. In the second, I’ll buy individual securities based on recommendations from the Financial Slacker community.
I’ll post monthly performance updates and at the the end of the year, we’ll compare the balances in the two accounts.
I know Warren Buffett did essentially the same thing, albeit on a much larger scale.
Finding good long buys might be a little challenging with the recent ramp-up in the market over the past few months. Maybe we should be open to short positions as well? Honestly, I have never short sold a stock so that would be a new one for me.
To get things started, I need to hear back with recommendations. Please reply with a recommendation as well as why you think it’s a good buy (or sell).
And thanks for participating in this experiment.
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