I recently read this article about the STEMIE Coalition, How invention and entrepreneurship fit into stem education. It caught my attention as education has long been a high priority in my life.
I’ve written about whether private school is worth it. Considering the sacrifices we make so my children can attend private school, I believe education is one of the most important things you can do for your children.
The STEMIE (STEM + Invention + Entrepreneurship) Coalition was created to build on the very successful Connecticut Invention Convention. The Coalition aims to expand the CIC’s initiatives to elevate national K-12 entrepreneurship and invention programs.
Education is the Foundation for the Future
I grew up in a household that highly valued education. And I credit this education with much of the success that I have achieved in my career.
Unfortunately, not every child has the same access to education that I had growing up.
I spent last night at my children’s school having the opportunity to listen to each teacher provide a brief overview of their class. After the evening ended, my confidence in the education at the school was enhanced even more so than before I started. The enthusiasm of the teachers is only exceeded by their expertise with many having 15, 20, or more years of teaching experience.
The emphasis of the educational experience spans beyond simply learning facts and instead seeks to incorporate practical skills into the classroom. The students learn to see problems and develop solutions. They focus on building critical analytical skills and graduate ready to contribute to the world.
I benefitted greatly from this education as will my own children.
STEMIE Coalition
The STEMIE Coalition seeks to bring this same foundational learning experience to millions of students around the country. The future depends on educating the next generation to use invention and entrepreneurship to find solutions to tomorrow’s problems.
I look forward to following the progress of the STEMIE Coalition.
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