After keeping up a daily posting schedule since before Christmas, I decided to take a few days off last week. It’s not that I had so much going on that I didn’t have time to write. Just the opposite. It was actually a rather slow week.
But I needed a break. Even without much going on, I was finding it difficult to sit down and write every day. I had lost my focus and instead of exploring financial independence issues, I was grasping for content and felt the site starting to move away from the original intent.
One of the nice things about running a site like this is that I’m not obligated to do anything. Unlike my past “real” jobs, if I don’t feel motivated to write, I don’t need to write. Consistency is important but so is keeping up my motivation. And as a one-man shop, there will be times when I just need to get away.
So after taking a short break, I woke up energized and ready to hit the ground running. And as I sat down to start writing this morning, I read a new post from the blogger, Amber Tree Leaves.
I’m a big fan of this site. I find the articles are generally pretty consistent with my own thinking. And today’s article is no exception.
Actually, as a side note, even before reading the article, the title caught my attention. I get dozens of new posts emailed to me every day. And it’s pretty unusual for an article’s title to grab me. But the simple title of this article was enough to get me to click over to read more.
And as I started reading, not knowing what to expect from the title, I was even more intrigued.
In the article, the author talks about Financial Independence not as an end goal but as another step toward happiness.
And it just so happens this is exactly where my mind has been over the past few days. While I wasn’t writing on the site as much over the past week, I was thinking through what I wanted to write.
And the idea of more closely examining financial independence is tops on my list. Not just how to get there but what exactly you’re seeking in this pursuit of financial independence.
Great way to get back in the writing groove. Thanks Amber Tree Leaves!
Thx for the mention.
Now that we have a better idea of what we want, it is easier to go after that, evne if it means postponing FI a few years. Without that isight, I would not have changed jobs to a startup. From apure FI point of view, earning less is just plain stupid. In the bigger picture, it makse 200 pct sense….