It continues to be a great weekend of swimming. The kids are performing well and we’re having a great time.
But I am frustrated with SlingBox.
For those not familiar, the SlingBox is an older device that allows you to stream live television and recorded shows from your home to another device.
Since I’m not at home, and the Cowboys are in the playoffs, during downtime, I was hoping to watch the game remotely.
Unfortunately, it appears that either because of slow internet at our home, or here, or because of something else going on, the quality is so low, that the game is nearly unwatchable.
A while back, I wrote an article about cutting the cable TV cord and moving to a pure streaming and over-the-air television experience.
I know this is a popular cost-cutting move and I expect that at some point, I will make that move, but this SlingBox situation isn’t making the decision look very attractive.
At some point, I will put together an article outlining how to go about getting rid of cable while still having a full slate of quality programming for your viewing enjoyment.
But for now, it’s back to the pool.